The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Watching progress bars

I have a bit of a lull at work today since, as my friend Lucy says, this is what happens when Mercury is in retrograde.

OK, I'm not actually sure if that's even astrologically correct at the moment, but many computers were having trouble talking to one another around the place. Maybe it's that Windows .WMF bug that was announced the other day. (Look for more shit like this in Vista in the near future, I guarantee it.)

So what have I been doing? Let's see...

Apple's got a new PowerBook. Er, MacBook. Whatever. It's the same size and form as my current machine, only way faster, built-in iSight and a dual Pentium processor standard. In a notebook. Huh. A lot of other annoucements at MacWorld today, too. Macintouch has the skinny.

Oregon liquor laws are weird, so I dunno if I'll ever see this, but there's an interesting story on Maine's favorite drink, Allen's Coffee Brandy.

Also, this is interesting though I gather some of the photos may not be safe for work: a Flickr photostream from a photobooth in SF. (As seen on Overcompensating.)