The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

World Cup hiatus

Now that the round of 16 is over, I'm at a loss for what to do during my day for distraction. If nothing else, the Guardian minute-by-minute replays have been a great read even when the matches have sucked.

I'm hearing mixed reviews of Superman Returns. Could be good, could be bad. I'm about 99% certain there's no Krypto in it, which is a huge strike against it. Krypto makes anything better--he could have saved the awfulness that was the last couple of films.

Still, it seems weird to decide to stay in continuity with the Christopher Reeve films when most folks haven't seen them in years. On the other hand, one could watch the later Dirty Dozen films without having seen the first ones.

Bit of insomnia lately, caused by multiple concurrent crises at work, and anxiety over campaigns going out. I'm a little gunshy on those lately.

The new season of The Venture Brothers premiered over the weekend. There's still a chance to go out and watch the first season before the next episode this weekend. You'll be glad you did.

Go Team Venture, indeed.