The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Power Overwhelming

Well, they finally did it--in case you were living under a rock, Blizzard announced StarCraft 2 over the weekend. As one guy on the SA forums, it's the announcement that launched a thousand reinstalls, as people play through the original games again.

There are those who think the screenshots and video make the game look too cutesy. I will agree that Siege Tanks now look a little strange (Tomy should launch a follow-up line called My First Battle Tank as a tie-in), but the Zerg now look a whole lot more like cockroaches than they ever did in 16-bit 800x600 resolution and that is cool.

I never really uninstalled the game, so I was able to launch immediately into the opening Terran campaign.

What still works:
  • Game is extremely balanced
  • The storyline of hicks in space fighting aliens continues to amuse
  • Irradiating your own Siege Tank to kill off attacking Zerglings
  • Dark Templars
  • Four words: Spawn Broodlings on Templars

What looks a bit dated:
  • The TINY resolution
  • Can't assign units under construction to a group
  • Still no cow level
  • No command or unit queues

No idea when the new game will be out, though I am eagerly awaiting it. I am also curious to see what the GNP will do in various countries when it arrives.