The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 addendum

OK, I should have mentioned this yesterday, but I was tired and stuff. (I'm also tired this morning--I simply have to stop staying up until 11:30 and then stumbling out of bed at 6:00 am.)

As we were talking back to the car, every single conversation I overheard, from people sitting at Starbucks, to a couple walking the other way, to our own chatting, all of the people in Portland that evening were talking about F 9/11. Particularly the bit where Bush is reading My Pet Goat. For ten minutes. Just sitting there.

People (like Mark Luther, the resident dittohead on the O'Franken Factor) claim that the film is just there to make Bush look bad. The man does not need any help. Take the bit at the end of the trailer, where he's proclaiming that terror is evil, then takes a swing at the golf tee. Or his repeated cries of "Let me finish!" when being interviewed by the Irish press.

The sitting-and-staring-blankly footage was at The Memory Hole about a year ago, so I saw a lot of it then. But if you don't seek out actual news, this was probably new to you.

But in any case, here are some links that might be of interest:

Note that I am not linking to Nader or the Greens, mostly since I think the former is a fucking crazy, egotistical nutbag (Steve Gilliard has a good article about this) and the latter are more suited to local races than national.