The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


One college semester, I discovered MUDding. During the week before finals.

Yeah, in retrospect it was a bad idea. (For those young people playing at home, think EverQuest only with no graphics and more drinking.) I didn't do horribly that semester, but I could have done worse. Like my friend Carlos, who quickly collapsed into living in the computer labs, drinking machine urine coffee and eating Dunkin Stix out of the vending machines.

Carlos never returned for his sophomore year.

While playing KoL today, my Disco Bandit finally made level four. So, I give him the traditional 'gratz!'

In other news, Cheney was booed while at a Yankees game last night. Maybe he should tell them all to go fuck themselves like he did to Leahy.

(I think Cheney looks rabid about 90% of the time. Somebody needs to adjust his meds.)

When the DNC operatives canvassing for donations ask if I want to see Bush out of office, I reply, "With the fury of a thousand suns," or "I would rather see him in prison, but out of office is a start."