The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Are you a felon?

Are you sure?

If you live in Florida or have plans on being there during election season, you could be on the list of felons and not know it. One of the DailyKos readers found that his name was listed, most likely barring him from voting. And he doesn't even live there. Granted, it's probably somebody else with his name but odds are they'd disallow you at the polls.

Somehow I thought that if you paid your debt to society, you would be allowed back in. (I'm going to skip the theories of prison as punishment vs. rehabilitation at the moment.) But this is Florida, remember. We should chainsaw that state right off the continent. Or better yet, give it to Cuba.

Another long night last night. I'm exhausted and since I don't have any CD-ROMs handy at the moment I am rearranging furniture to test a theory.

I have such an exciting life.