The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

The password is catnip

The countersign is bus.

Spatch (aka The Funniest Guy I Know) informs us that Cat Town has been cancelled. Though it has a mid-season replacement in Dog Town.

He also perfectly encapsulates the Diablo experience. He goes through Act I of the game, so nothing about the annoying-as-hell third act, or the monotony of Act IV.

I have all sorts of plans today, but the only thing that we must do is go for massages.

In other news, the only thing left for St. Ralph is puppy-kicking. His Philadelphia office shut down and left a bunch of homeless people wanting their money.
Ralph Nader's presidential campaign this week abruptly abandoned the Center City office that housed its efforts to get on the Pennsylvania ballot, leaving behind a mess of accusations and a damaged building.

The office, on the 1500 block of Chestnut Street, was emptied Thursday after a raucous scene the night before. Police were called as dozens of homeless people lined up to collect money they said they were owed for circulating petitions on the candidate's behalf.