The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Tiramisu gelato

This afternoon was pretty good. Went to get gelato at Staccato Gelato and then off to Excalibur for my fix. My haul included:

  • Powers
  • Planetary
  • X-Men
  • Justice League: A New Beginning
  • Red Star (both of the super-big trades)
  • Astonishing X-Men

So far I am loving the Justice League trade, which I purchased on Kevin's recommendation and has some great stuff. The first Red Star trade is a duplicate for me as Aaron was kind enough to send me one when I couldn't get my hands on it locally. So I may find something to do with it--trade it or lend it out. It's good stuff.

Then I sat and read comics while drinking coffee, which was followed by a 100-minute massage. So it's been a good day.

The only downsides were the allergy attacks this morning and the huge temptation I had to mention St. Ralph's little PA escapade at dinner. But that would have been bad.