The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Character, in full force

The GOP convention is showing their true colors, sort of like when Pat Buchanan scared the shit out of everybody in 1996.

They're fucking the dead of 9/11 to score political points. The entire GOP platform consists of:
  • Terror
  • Terror
  • Terror
  • Smearing opponents
  • Terror
  • 9/11
  • Freedom-haters

That, and wearing band-aids with purple hearts on them.

Tell me, how is insulting everybody who serves in the military and comes back wounded a good idea? Visit Walter Reed hospital wearing one of those, why don't you? Steve Gilliard's blog has pictures, and the kicker is that the guy passing them out is a chickenhawk himself. What a bunch of classy, classy people.

Bush hasn't made anyone safer--terrorism has gone up on his watch, not down. He has nothing to run on, other than his personality. And quite frankly, if you find a miserable failure compelling, I think it says more about you than it does about him.

Very cranky this morning, what with the news and the laptop and my inability to remember the serial number for it, so now I have to wait until I get home to get AppleCare to fix it. Fuck.