The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Futurephone acquired!

Yesterday being the one-year anniversary of our giving in to History and picking up cellphones, we finally qualified for the same-as-new price on a new phone.

Now we're both the owners of Samsung E715 futurephones, with cameras and picture messages and the like. These don't do AIM like the good old Samsung R225s we started out with, but I never used that anyway.

A little bit of stuttering at first, where we could take pictures but not send them, nor could we receive messages. It appears that this is fixed, but I'm not totally sure.

It is annoying that most of the sites I can find for downloadable ringtones and wallpapers kind of suck. Grrr. Any recommendations? I have a new phone--half the fun of a new phone is customizing it.