The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, August 06, 2004

It's 3 am. Do you know where your robot is?

Woke up about an hour ago, still not able to go back to sleep.

I cannot get the English Beat version of Tears of a Clown out of my head, either. That might have something to do with it, but I doubt it.

There are some new things in the Mt. McLargeHuge area of Kingdom of Loathing. Evidently Jick grew tired of people exploiting the poor Yetis (they used to be good for 500-1000 Meat a turn) and so their drop of meat has been drastically reduced. Instead there are mobbish penguins.
You acquire an item: support cummerbund
You acquire an item: Mob Penguin cellular phone
You acquire an item: Mafia Aria

KoL is far deeper than one would think at first glance.

I did get two recruiter calls this evening, though it looks like they're both interested in filling the same position at the same company. So that's good in that two people thought I'd be a good fit for it, but bad in that there are still not that many jobs to be had.

I had a file with some writing in it that I did a while back, but it appears I was too clever with it and now I cannot find it. I hate it when I do that. "Oh, I'll put this in this place where I will never ever forget it," and then I do. I've done that a bunch of times.

We're sending back both of the games we have out from Gamefly. Spider-Man 2 was pretty fun, but ultimately kind of repetitive. There are only so many times I can hear some kid whine about finding their balloon before I want to smack the developers for putting that sound file in. Final Fantasy X-2 was great but I don't really have time for it. And Mrs. GFR was not as fond of it as I was.

I really can't see why Square Enix doesn't remake Final Fantasy VII for the PS2 or PS3 (whenever that comes out). I was watching Filter earlier and they were listing all of fans' favorite elements from the series. Best hero? Cloud. Best Heroine? Aeris. Best bad guy? Sephiroth. Hello, I can hear the cash register from here. Guys? I would buy it in a second. Hell, tell me where it is and I'll pre-order it now.

FF7 was the reason we bought a PlayStation and sold the Saturn. (Though in retrospect I kinda wish we still had the Saturn. Or that somebody would start porting games from it to newer consoles, much the same way Nintendo is recycling their old NES stuff for the GBA and GameCube.) I still have the soundtrack and listen to it. I am a nerdy, nerdy bot.