The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Uncomfortably numb

Having a meeting the day after a day-long training is not something I recommend. On the other hand, at least I didn't have three meetings today.

Came home to find somebody had taken our Vote Democrat sign out of our yard. No idea who or why--all the other signs on our street are intact. Perhaps this is the universe telling me I need to get the biggest Kerry-Edwards sign I can.

There's a story on This Modern World that is disturbing because we are so not disturbed by it. And we should be.

I was supposed to write with a friend tonight but I find I no longer have much energy for it. On the other hand, I did find the books I was looking for since Sunday. They had been buried in a box for a couple months.