The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Currently listening to the Plink song by that name, thinking about stuff and wondering just what to do with my afternoon. I have several projects, though some of them are... problematic. As one of my favorite professors used to like to say.

Congratulations must go out to Athenais for finishing the first draft of her novel! I need to get my lazy ass in gear and start writing some more. There is, of course, NaNo on the horizon. (I've done it twice in the past two years. The first was... just for me. The second I think has some potential.) There's a whole file full of story ideas waiting to be fleshed out, but inertia has been hard to overcome.

We've been playing a lot of Tales of Symphonia. It's a lot deeper than you'd think at first glance, though the story is somewhat of a rehash of FF X.

Speaking of Square-Enix, I really want to see a FF VII remake. I'm still not kidding.