The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Reinventing the wheel

But mine will be round.

(Thanks to Binder for the quote.)

I should really start work on hacking some GeekLog templates (I got my experiment to work, so now that I've done it once it should be easier to repeat the process...) but instead I'll be removing the AirPort card from the ShinyBook.

Turns out that Apple needs to revise its documentation to show that you:
  • Don't have to pack your peripherals and power supply
  • Should remove any RAM and AirPort cards you've added since you originally bought the machine

Hrm. I could move to Cupertino for the right price, Apple.

PS: Nice iMacs.

PPS: Check out this graphic of words used by each convention.