The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Hatefest NYC

The GOP convention this year is like Buchanan all over again. Red meat for the fanbase, scaring the shit out of everybody else.

It's hard to be optimistic when your two spokespeople are fucking Zell Miller (he should really change his name to that, Fucking Z. Miller, as he has no other name now) and Dick Cheney. I mean, look at their pictures. As one poster put it last night:
Even Foxnews' attempt at a friendly photo of Cheney ends up looking like itshould be captioned, "Cheney makes desperate plea for nation's fresh tender (chicken-fried) babies, 'I'm staaaarving!'"

Check out the Photoshop fun in that thread, as Zell makes a fine Emperor Palpatine.

Bush is up tonight, but I dunno how he can top the performances of the last few nights. How do you top the governator telling everyone who's unemployed that they should suck it up? Or Cheney tearing into Kerry for being sensitive, when both Bush and Cheney have used the same word themselves. Shorter Cheney: John Kerry is French! And he has girl cooties!

These are the assholes with their fingers on The Button?

My box for the wounded TiBook arrived last night, but the instructions are confusing. The ones packed in the box tell me to leave all memory and cards installed, and pack in the power adapter as well. The AppleCare guy told me to leave out the power adapter and remove any RAM or AirPort card I installed after I got it. Which to believe? Time to use that modern invention we call the phone.