The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Lemme build some siege tanks already!

In a fit of nostalgia, I re-installed StarCraft on one of our computers and I'm playing through the entire campaign again.

In some ways it's brand-new to me since I haven't played the game in years. I've forgotten some of the story twists and that's kind of like discovering it all over again.

On the other hand, I do have years of playing the game with coworkers (when I worked in the boonies, we had a choice of either being stuck in traffic for hours, or playing games for an hour and then driving home in no traffic--I chose the games every time). So my first instinct when confronted with an impassable group of Sunken Colonies and Spore Colonies is to whip out a bunch of Siege Tanks and beat the hell out of them. Only the map I'm on has disabled that unit. So I gotta do it the hard way.

Great map design for the novice player, somewhat limiting for a veteran player.

In other news, Dick Cheney basically said that if you don't vote for him in November, you will all die. How pathetic. Now W is talking about ducking at least one debate. Is he too busy snorting coke? There is talk in the blogosphere about running a mock debate between Kerry and Will Farrell if this comes to pass, which I think is a brilliant idea.