The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Back to the grindstone...

One of my projects for work involves creating blogs. So somehow now I am the blogmeister, and my name isn't even Atrios or Kos! Which, come to think of it, is good as nobody growing up would have been able to spell them.

It's very much October weather here now. I really want a cup of tea and some scones with clotted cream, but I'm not sure when that is going to happen. I also need to borrow somebody to help me move something heavy, but I have no idea who.

See, this is where Man-in-a-Can would come in handy. (For those of you who never saw the animated Tick series, it was an invention that had potpurri-, sandalwood- or pine-scented automatons who could do heavy lifting and/or massage.) Good luck in finding them, as they have yet to release this series on DVD. You can get Full House or Dukes of Hazzard, but no animated Tick.

Life is cruel.