The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Buy something day?

AdBusters will tell you today is Buy Nothing Day, but they are neglecting to mention that if you refuse, you will miss out on the 160GB hard drive I bought at Staples today for $40.

Those were the last two in the store. If I'd been earlier, I could have built a terabyte server for maybe $300. Not that I need a TB of space. Well, not right now.

I've got some friends up from SF this weekend. So far we've watched really bad movies on the Sci-Fi Channel, ate, played video games (The level-up effect on the Lord of the Rings game is totally over-the-top but it has fantastic sound. Think of it as Final Fantasy X crossed with Tolkein.), ate, and drank. I finally opened the jeraboam of Fred I've had for two years. Damn that was good.

We made a ton of food, including brining a turkey the Alton Brown way, garlic mashed potatoes, lentils, stuffing, honey-mustard carrots, and gravy that I whipped up in a minute (to my surprise).

Today we've been out to get deals on hard drives, we'll probably go to Powell's, and then at some point to the airport. Perhaps Hannah Bea's is also in our future (home of the best banana pudding on earth). Oh, and more drinking.

It's been a pretty good vacation so far.