The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I have a scanner gun and I know how to use it

Ah, Deepak Chopra. Here is his message from his as channeled by My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable:
We're smarter than those motherfuckers.
We can learn more quickly than those motherfuckers.
We can be more ruthless than those motherfuckers.
We can be some six-million-dollar motherfuckers ourselves.

Chin up.
We're more American than those motherfuckers.
We're more responsible than those motherfuckers.
We're more compassionate than those motherfuckers.
Hell, our atheists are more Christian than their Bible-thumpin' motherfuckers.

There's an election in two years.
There's nothing we can't do.

Chin up.
Because it's on, motherfuckers.
It is on.

I'm gonna go blow shit up on the PlayStation 2 because it's been that kind of a day.

Rented both Baten Kaitos and San Andreas, but neither is doing much for me. The former is pretty but dull. The latter is not terribly engaging and seems more interested in racking up occurrences of the word "fuck" than gameplay, at least for the amount I've played.

It reminds me of the idiots I saw in Pho Van wearing John Deere hats with the pricetags on still. Poseurs. It's almost as if Rockstar is trying to beat the cutscenes in Xenosaga.