The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Make your own "pity the fool" joke here

Boingboing pointed out there's another Mr. T comic coming soon. (Warning, links to the Sun, which is owned by Murdoch and has an entire page of "news" devoted to naked women. May not be safe for your workplace.)

And hey, gold foil variant covers, so you know it's gonna ROCK THE SALES CHARTS!

(And I know they're all British since they spell it "honoured" and all, but spell "independent" correctly. It's not that hard to spell properly, guys. There's a thing called a computer with a spell-checker, and rumor has it that it will actually do some of the heavy lifting for you. Some of the early issues of Powers were notoriously bad at this--so much so that it was really distracting for me to read. But I'm also the kind of guy that proofreads restaurant menus, so it's an occupational hazard of sorts.)

On the other hand, as a child of the 70s/80s, I have to like this since I grew up with Mr. T going around pitying the fools that cried out to be pitied. And, if pressed, I can sing the theme song for the cartoon.


But the stupid internets are not cooperating this evening and they will not show me where I can download this piece of history. Though I will note that you can get every single episode of Dungeons and Dragons on a region 2 DVD. And a couple of M.A.S.K. episodes.

OK, if I find that you can get Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future over there, I am going to be very cross. No dice there, so the world is safe for the moment.

However, that's kind of a pity, as it was kinda hard-core for what basically amounted to a toy tie-in show. But J. Michael Straczynski (he of Babylon 5 and Jeremiah fame) was the writer. And even with his limited control, I seem to recall the season/series finale killing off half the cast, re-creating the main bad guy, and destroying the headquarters of the title character. I dunno. If I watched it now, I probably wouldn't be quite as fond of it. The Biodreads were a step down from the walking toaster Cylons of Battlestar Galactica.