The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Thanks, Mister Scoops!

Lots of news leaking out before its time.

Macintouch and other sources are reporting that Apple is going to announce a switch to x86-based hardware over the next few years.

I have mixed feelings about this, as I was hoping that they'd start shipping Macs based on the STI Cell processor. The Cell is a joint venture between Sony, IBM, and Toshiba, and if memory serves, the PS3 will be using it in some capacity. On the other hand, this is really capitalizing on the success of the iPod and iTunes. Like software that is made by a company that gets user interface? Now your whole computer can be like that. (At least that's my theory on what they'll shoot for.)

Mostly I really want to see Macs running on hardware that doesn't suck. G5s and G4s are great, but they're overpriced and what happens when you want to upgrade? You're hosed. Apple's hardware stranglehold is both good and bad, mostly limiting options for people to a small range of third-party add-ons. Basically, the hardware options for OS X just got infinitely cooler.

A while back a little bird told me something about the DC Universe as it will be in a year, and they've finally made this announcement public. If DC does this right, it could be great. However, this is the same company that gives us Identity Crisis and still can't bring back Barry Allen. On the other hand, they've got Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely doing Superman, and they're going to start releasing Silver Age titles in an affordable format. So there is room for hope. I'm hoping (along with Kevin) for Darkseid: Master of Kung-Fu in the end.

Other comics news: I won free comics thanks to the Free Comic Book Month over at Yet Another Comics Blog. I am a very happy camper on this, and I applaud Dave for a month of generosity and hard work in comics advocacy.

Video Games
I see from E3 footage that Okami is going to come over to the States. I've had my eye on this one for quite a while now—it appears to be the child of Ico and The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, with a touch of Grand Theft Auto thrown in. The art and direction on this game is jaw-dropping; just seeing it in action is enough to make one want to look into importing. Only now you don't have to!

I've spent some of this weekend kitten-sitting for a friend.
bindi on the prowl
These cats just get bigger every time I see them!

I think at some point I'm off to play kickball today and then maybe watch some of the stuff on my Netflix queue.