The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, May 24, 2004

The beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot.

Back from the airport, which is always a treat. Now I'm ingesting some coffee in an effort to get rid of the last part of my cold. It appears to be mostly gone, which is cool.

Currently full of plans for the bathroom and the house. But it's holistic. We can't paint the house until we trim the hedge. And we can't trim the hedge until we get another bid. And I'd like to paint the interior of the house but I need to clean out the basement. Hrm. Milk and Cheese always recommended fire as the Biblical cleanser. You should listen to them. They are dairy products gone bad.

I never drank coffee until I left the Midwest and moved to Stumptown. But after my last trip back, I'm not as surprised, even though I was the poster child for caffeine intake--I was a night owl college student who read too much with a marked tendency towards procrastination. The coffee in the Midwest is... not good. In fact, quite bad.

But here we have Stumptown Coffee and Coffee People and Coffee Plant along with Starbucks and the other chains. And who can forget Peet's Coffee? One of the many fine things to come out of the Bay Area, really. Then there's tea. I haven't been drinking as much tea lately. It's almost getting too hot for it now, and then there's complete lack of infrastructure for tea at work.

In political news, I see Bush is going to give a speech tonight. However, it's not going to be covered on ABC, NBC, or CBS. Just on CNN, MSNBC, and FoxNews. Hrm. His approval ratings in the last poll were at 37% or so, but his approval of networks appears to be much lower. I mean, he's not going be on ESPN Classic or Lifetime...