The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, June 07, 2004

5280 to 52

Back from Denver, trying not to watch hockey at the moment. Calgary has looked awful most of the game.

And once again, I dreamt of work last night. Good thing I'm going back tomorrow since at least then I'll get paid for it. This is such a pain. I'm even trying to relax and it's not working.

Started picking out colors for the house this evening. Still not sure of an accent color, though.

New stuff from GameFly. We're finally playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and La Pucelle Tactics. Both of these may be KeepIt material.

The cats missed us. There was at least one good thing about this trip today--despite the screaming babies and turbulence, at least we didn't have to watch them sanctifying Ronnie.