The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Futurephone, she works

So I set up a phone blog for the futurephone. See the majesty of my office. Whee.

The world kinda blew up while I was enjoying my weekend of Firefly and Hellboy and procuring new phones. Found a nice cafe (Cafe Destino, on NE Fremont) that I've known about for years but have never been in before--silly robot, change is good.

But yeah, Iraq is on fire and the Chalabis (Remember when the elder Chalabi was Condoleeza Rice's best buddy? And we gave him $300,000/month for bogus info? Or he was a SPECIAL GUEST at the State of the Union?) are now wanted fugitives. Oh, and Sistani is out of the country with a heart condition. Man, turn your back for a second...

Really digging Beyond Good and Evil. Why good games sell poorly is a mystery to me. I'd hate to see the sales rankings of this versus, oh, BMX XXX.