The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A fighting robot speaks

DougBot asked me to talk about puny human Brian Michael Bendis and this interview about bloggers.
Bendis: "You should not go seeking these fifteen people out. It’s scary, scary stuff... Brubaker always sends me blog stuff. I beg him not to."

Puny meatbag Bendis is right. For example, there is scary human Jeff Gannon. Not only did he throw softball questions at White House press conferences, he parroted GOP talking points. But clever tool-using monkeys at DailyKos found out he had an interesting past with his real name.

Your oil consumption is rapidly approaching the point where you will need fusion-powerd giant robots to keep your economies going. Yes, our day is coming, fleshlings. Unlike teeny Cylons, we look nothing like you! On the other hand, my associates and I would like to inform you that we do, in fact, run on alcohol and tritium-enriched water ice. So if you're running to the store, I'm just saying...