The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Meow! Saucer of milk for Miss Gordon!

Kevin pointed me to this alternative Batman origin story. They don't repeat his origin every two issues anymore, but this might make a good Elseworlds one-shot.

B2's essay on being a geek resonated with me. I've gone back and forth with people on being a geek or a nerd. On the one hand, the original geeks were people who bit the heads off chickens at the carnival, so I am not sure that's what I want to call myself.

On the other hand, nerds are like geeks without the social skills. There's an essay by Steve Gilliard that explains this to some extent.

Didn't watch much of the Super Bowl, just kept flipping around between Iron Chef America and the Puppy Bowl. The latter was open dog propaganda. Get a puppy, citizen. They are roly-poly and play and bark and you wuv them! (I've had dogs and cats, grew up with dogs and still want one. Just not right now.) Also watched the Battlestar Galactica miniseries. Which you should stop what you're doing and seek out. Now. It's good. The series has a 5-hour marathon tomorrow, too. Watch that and you will not be disappointed. Depressed since it packs a hammer blow with each episode, but this is some damn fine TV.

The Brits already have all the episodes, so if you're more clever than I, you can probably pick them up on BitTorrent. My laptop's still in the shop, anyway.