The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Presented for your amusement

Two things that made me laugh a lot this morning.

John Rogers talks about the backstory to I Love Lucy. See, now THIS program, I would watch. I always wondered why these particular characters hung around with each other--now I know.

Did I mention that I'm overjoyed Billmon is back? Well, I am. And he pointed me to this blog, which I am going to hell for because I laughed at it. Somebody is sick and wrong.

Lunch is coming up in a bit--I think I might go to the bubble tea place that popped up near campus, but I'm also inspired by the awesome ladies at Taco Addiction and am craving taco-y goodness. As Gir says, I need tacos. I need them or I will explode. I do that sometimes.

Edit: I posted this thing at 11 am, but as of 5:20 pm it still hadn't shown up on the blog. Grrr.