The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, April 01, 2005

These pretzels are making me thirsty

(Note--if you can read this, your browser is probably not IE or you're using the RSS feed. Good on you.)

Watched Stop Making Sense last night--it's been a while since I've seen young David Byrne and so it was a bit of a shock. More like Jim Henson's Talking Heads Babies than anything else. The DVD includes some songs not in the film, which are of lower picture quality but the sound is still quite good. I'm guessing they didn't go through the post-processing the rest of the film had.

Finally making progress in Wind Waker--I released Tingle and found the four boys in Hide-and-Seek. While I have the sail, I'm still monkeying around on the island, looking for the camera I hear rumors of. And I have to say, the Battleship game you can play is one of the funniest bits I've seen in a game in a long time. Almost as good as the Chain Blade commercial in Ratchet and Clank 2.

The Pope is ailing as I write this. Can the time of Pope Giblets be nigh? I have only vague memories of any previous pope--I recollect the smoke showing that he'd been chosen, which makes for great drama. John Paul II has had a huge impact on the church--he's added more saints than almost all the other popes combined, he's been everwhere, but I have to wonder about the state of the Church. Hopefully a new pope will bring the church into the modern era (you know, one where there's an acknowledgement of women as people and birth control and a stop to shielding criminals in the clergy). However, given the conservative bent of religious figures today, I'm not gonna hold my breath.

Google's new beverage Google Gulp is almost as awesome as their pigeon-ranking technology. I also see that Kevin is the best SF and comics fan on the Intarnets ever!

EDIT: I would be remiss if I didn't mention this awesome Boing Boing parody. It is missing a couple of things--Xeni and Disney--but had me laughing quite a bit.

EDIT REDUX: Removed the April Fool encoding.