The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


A couple of things...

Answer me these questions three.

1) Did you go to UC Berkeley?
2) Do you fall into any of the following categories:
  • Individuals who submitted applications for graduate school at UC Berkeley for the semesters between Fall 2001 and Spring 2004
  • Graduate students who registered at UC Berkeley from Fall 1989 through Fall 2003
  • Recipients of doctoral degrees from 1976 through 1999
  • Other small groups to be named later (yeah, I have no idea either)
3) Do you like movies about gladiators? Admittedly, this one is a bit of a red herring...

Anyway, the fine folks at UC Berkeley lost a laptop with 98,000 names on it, and one of them could be yours! They've set up a Web site and have a 1-800 number, but my friend who suspects she's on the list has not had any luck getting a hold of a human being there. The response by Berkeley has been underwhelming, though to be fair they are looking at a massive amount of liability if they admit any wrongdoing. If only we had a Congress who was interested in protecting citizens from fraud (the new bankruptcy bill has no provisions about identity theft protection) instead of grandstanding on religious holidays...

Do you have batteries in your house?
Fun facts to know and tell about batteries, courtesy of my local metropolitan organization. Radio Shack will recycle your rechargable batteries, too. And as always, do not trust the Pusher Robot.

I am working on another comic cover remix, but it's taking a while as I have been really really busy lately. Sorry.