The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Soft reset

I think I figured out why my Visor has been having trouble HotSyncing to the PC at work. Well, not why it's happening, but how to deal with it--performing a soft reset appears to do the trick. I will know more tomorrow.

Now if only I could restart my day the way I reset the Visor or any video game.

It started this morning at 4 am when my cat knocked over a thermos mug of coffee. Somehow the sound of liquid pouring all over the stack of Noble Causes next to the bed woke me up. (Good thing they were in bags, I guess.) It got worse from there, involving the ATM money gods refusing my prayers, a near-miss with a parking ticket, and then not really sitting down at my desk for an hour and some change.

Now I find out Mitch Hedberg has died. You can read some of his material on Wikipedia, but it's very very hard to recreate his diction in text--the delivery was killer. The most successful effort was the Onion interview he did last year.