The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Nippon Ichi announced Disgaea 2 for PlayStation 2, the sequel to the popular strategy RPG Disgaea: Hour of Darkness released in 2003, the game is scheduled to release in Japan in December 2005.

Woot! Hopefully the penguins-driving-mecha from Makai Kingdom will make it into this game. (Penguins + mecha == fun!)

Ascended for the second time in Kingdom of Loathing today, since it's a moxie day and all. Picking a Turtle Tamer so I can go with the familiar enhancing skills.

Finally, I think Bush has been watching too many Miyazaki movies. His Supreme Court nominee looks a whole lot like Dora the Sky Pirate. At least she does to me. Might be the eyeshadow. They're certainly about equally qualified, the lawyer from Texas and the fictional sky pirate from Castle in the Sky.