The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Vacation musings and whatnot...

So my mom and stepdad are now enjoying their cruise to Alaska. I got a message dated last night at midnight that they were having fun on the ship, watching whales and food o'plenty.

I was very nervous about my mom visiting, mostly because of the last time she visited, for our wedding. (There's a long story there which I can tell you over a drink at some point.) But everything went OK. They had a good time, didn't mind me driving them everywhere, and had fun doing the touristy things that one can do in Portland and the surrounding area.

Back at work today after a weekend spent watching:

The latter is the new 30th anniversary edition, which has some deleted scenes, a couple of documentaries, and commentary by Mel Brooks. Haven't watched the commentary yet.

Firefly and MI-5 (titled Spooks in the UK, but they changed it since that word has... connotations in the US) are both really good. I'm borrowing these sets from friends but I will have to pick them up for myself.

In other news, it looks like Tom Delay may be facing the music after investigations have uncovered his involvement in Enron and the redistricting in Texas. Couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag. I also see that the government is talking about postponing the elections in the event of a terror attack. To paraphrase Teresa Nielsen-Hayden, I resent that my government is turning me into a nutbag conspiracy theorist.

Every time I think that we can't possibly sink any lower, I am surprised. Somehow I must get rid of this inborn optimism, I guess.