The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Poor, poor Helo

Just finished watching the latest BSG episode aired in the US. Evidently the moon is really, really bright on Caprica, as their day-for-night shots had freaking lens flares. Stranded-from-the-pilot Helo wanders around somewhere in Vancouver while people above him plot.

The main plot is all about how a Cylon suicide bomber (does this mean Cylons are alive?) got aboard the Galactica. Tyrell and Boomer have a confrontation. There's a lot of courtroom drama, which is summed up in TV Tome as:
The justice system works swiftly in the future now that they have abolished all lawyers.

I've never been a big fan of courtroom dramas in SF shows. The one in Babylon 5 (Eyes, in the first season) was... subpar. And it's funny how I can type the Lurker's Guide URL without even thinking about it, even though the show has been out of production for years. Anyway, that episode is mostly a tribunal about how Sinclair breaks the rules a lot. Kind of a cheap recap show without being a recap, actually.

TNG had a pair of courtroom dramas--The Drumhead was pretty lame. A witch hunt in Starfleet targets Picard. Whee. The Measure of a Man, however, was quite good. Data's rights come under fire and Riker is given something to do by being the prosecuting attorney. Much better than the TOS episode Court Martial, even if the latter did give Samuel Cogley. A guy so old-fashioned he doesn't use computers that have plastic sample squares as data storage!

The next BSG episode looks... strange. Number Six making out with Adama? How is that even possible? It's a preview, though, so I'm sure there's more than meets the eye.