The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

You win some, you lose some

Battlestar Galactica was renewed for a second season. I'm guessing we may get to see Moore's interpretation of the Pegasus storyline now.

On the other hand, Fox is reducing its number of ordered episodes of Arrested Development to get more of the annoying and unfunny American Dad. (E has a really snarky story about it, though there is a nice David Cross quote.) Fox's thinking confuses the fuck out of me, as not only is Arrested Development a huge award-winner, it also is the highest-rated show on Fox's Sunday lineup that is not the Simpsons. What the hell? Still, there's not a lot of merchandising in it the way there is for other shows. (Though I, for one, would buy some Caged Wisdom.)

Fox has a habit of taking well-written, funny shows and exiling them to the dustbin of history in favor of lowest common denominator bullshit like The Simple Life or When Left-Wing Communists Attack. I'm not sure why I expected better, actually. They fucked over The Tick twice. Andy Richter Controls the Universe and Firefly. The list goes on and on.