The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Friday, September 16, 2005


So I'm chatting with my friend Laws about blowing up the moon, 'cause you don't mess around with God's America.1 Then she sends me this link to a story about the s00p3r-s3kr1t Nintendo Revolution controller.

It's one-handed by default, and then if you want to play something that involves two hands, there are bits that plug into the back. I am simultaneously excited and confused by this controller. It would be ideal for games like Animal Crossing, where there's not a lot action going on. I remember that I bought an RPG-specific controller that looked a bit like that once, just to play stuff like Final Fantasy Tactics. Worked quite well, as they're not intensive games. It would also be good for something like Disgaea or Makai Kingdom.

Missed the big speech about the War on Hurricane Disaster last night, but I imagine I didn't miss much. Putting Rove in charge of the recovery effort screams cronyism, but when has that note been silent from anything the White House does? I also can't believe that John Robertshas been ducking questions like an Electric Evading Machine With Optional Cute Moppet Attachment, and nobody bats an eye. I got a bad, bad feeling about that one.

Maybe it's that he reminds me of the mass-murdering comptroller on Reno 911. I think it's the hair.

1 - Obligatory Mr. Show reference