The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Whoopsi Gras

I think I've become a Dungeon Siege widower. We found the game and expansion pack on sale the other day, and we've been playing the heck out of it. OK, I've been watching the better half slay mightily. I must confess, it's totally derivative of Diablo, but it's also more friendly. You can have a pack animal to haul your crap. More spells, more units in your party. And it's fully 3D, so you're not limited to one camera angle.

OK, that last part is a mixed bag, as I've never really enjoyed the camera controls in any game, with the possible exception of Myth. And even that didn't go high enough for me in a lot of places.

I used to work at a company where 5:00 announced the startup time for Myth, Marathon, Half-Life, or StarCraft. If you're going to be stuck in traffic until 6:30 anyway, why not stay a little longer and play a game? You get home about the same time.

I totally miss those days. I may have to fire up StarCraft, just to hear an Archon say "Power overwhelming."

About the title: it's taken from the latest Mark Fiore cartoon, which rehabilitates my image of Flash. (Macromedia should do penance for making it possible to create some of the worst UI ever with their product.) His other stuff is good too, and I see he's got a DVD coming out. Rock on.