The Giant Fighting Robot Report

I am dubious. (I am metal.) I am stainless. I am milk in your plastic.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Cleanliness is next to managerliness

Watching the SpongeBob SquarePants movie this evening. So far it's pretty good--SpongeBob with an ice cream-over is hilarious. The DVD does have the irritating quality in that you can't fast-forward through the commercials at the beginning. I mean, if you buy the DVD you should be able to determine how you watch it.

Then again, this is the same theory behind region-encoding. You don't own the movie! Nickelodeon does!

Earlier today, went to dim sum and then watched Sin City. Go see this. Now. Stylish, brutal, darkly funny in places. The group we were with laughed our asses off in places. The best use of color and style since Sky Captain or Pleasantville. What can I say about Mickey Rourke as Marv? Whether it was the prosthetic face or his voice or what--such an amazing performance. And Clive Owen? Totally great. Loved him in the BMW films, but now he's got an American accent and he's totaly kicking ass. Confession time: I never read the comic, though I am wondering if this surpasses the source material.

The weird thing is the idiot woman behind us who took her kids to a film with loads of nudity, murder, dismemberment, sex, multiple castrations, and a whole bunch of other exciting stuff.

"What's with all the boobs?" asked one of them.

Man, what the hell was she thinking? Take the kids because it's based on a comic book? Dumbass.

One wonders what the hell she wouldn't take them to. I have a suggestion for her--MEET THE FEEBLES. Your kids will love it! Particularly the end sequence! It's got puppets! At least they started to get scarred after a while and stopped talking.